Reimagining India [HARDCOVER]

Reimagining India [HARDCOVER]

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About The Book

Reimagining India: Unlocking The Potential of Asia's Next Superpower is a path breaking book that comes from the leading management consultancy in the world, McKinsey & Company. This book of essays assimilates the thoughts of several experts from all over the world on the current situation in India and its future as a world-power, in the years to come. The book aims to provide the leaders of the nations with all that they need to know about India's current position.

The book follows closely on the lines of a similar book entitled Reimagining Japan, which has also been put together by McKinsey & Company.

Reimagining India: Unlocking The Potential of Asia's Next Superpower speaks of India as an economic power and compares it with China, which is also a nation that cannot go unnoticed as an emerging superpower. Many of India's most renowned entrepreneurs and leading firms have spoken up in this book. What really is our nation's capability in various areas? What must the nation do to unleash its true potential? This book aims to provide you with some valuable insight into those thought-provoking questions.

The book Reimagining India: Unlocking The Potential of Asia's Next Superpower has been published by Simon and Schuster, in the year 2013 and is available in hardcover.

Key Features

  • l This book has been authored by the world's leading management consultancy, McKinsey & Company.
  • l The book deals with many complex topics that pertain to India's position as Asia's ‘other superpower'.

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