Lawtalk [rare books] by Clapp and Galanter

Lawtalk [rare books] by Clapp and Galanter by

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Law-related words and phrases abound in our everyday language,often without our being aware of their origins or their particularlegal significance: boilerplate, jailbait, pound of flesh,rainmaker, the third degree. This insightful and entertaining bookreveals the unknown stories behind familiar legal expressions thatcome from sources as diverse as Shakespeare, vaudeville, and Dr.Seuss. Separate entries for each expression follow no prescribedformula but instead focus on the most interesting, enlightening,and surprising aspects of the words and their evolution. Popularmyths and misunderstandings are explored and exploded, and theentries are augmented with historical images and humorous sidebars.Lively and unexpected, Lawtalk will draw a diverse array of readerswith its abundance of linguistic, legal, historical, and culturalinformation. Those readers should be forewarned: upon finishing oneentry, there is an irresistible temptation to turn to another, andyet another

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