Healing with homeopathy

Healing with homeopathy

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The authoritative anthology of homeopathic remedies for everything and everybody. Dr. Mukesh Batra, India's most famous homeopath and founder of the world's largest chain of homeopathy clinics, shares his professional expertise to help you diagnose and find answers for common and not-so-common ailments. A simple, user-friendly practical guide to holistic health, Healing with Homeopathy deals deftly with over 100 illnesses arranged alphabetically from A-Z. Writing simply and clearly, Dr. Batra explains each condition, its symptoms and variations and what homeopathic remedy is likely to work best. Included are useful dos and don'ts as well as illustrative case studies, culled from over 35 years of medical practice. An expert introduction to homeopathy and its application, Healing with Homeopathy arms you with the knowledge and confidence to recognize and deal with a variety of health issues in the comfort of your own home. Put simply, the book is an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to take charge and manage their health safely, gently and without the fear of side-effects. Welcome to optimal holistic health and well-being.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ishan Mishra

Price and quality of the books are really good. All of them were in a good condition

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