Tinkle : Maitri Sanksar (Level 2)

Tinkle : Maitri Sanksar (Level 2)

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Rs. 199.00
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Rs. 199.00
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Rs. 299.00
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Matti Sanskar is an early childhood vatus education Burriculum. It is curated keeping in mind the des Dest nach child has an inner wisdom or voice. It is this inner voice that fesally becomes their guiding light leading them to make important decisions and choices in the. This guiding light is the true navigator for a conscious, awakened and happy the The curriculum includes a Maitri Sanskar book, which is a collection of inspiring stories for pre and early years Based on five basic core values, Maitri Sanskar aims to help children explore their inner wisdom through fun, joy experimentation and introspection A guide map for self-exploration, the curriculum is replete with practical wisdom and is easy to understand. These values are also supported with videos, poems and fus activitiers with profound messages

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