The Mind of the Guru by Rajiv Mehrotra

The Mind of the Guru by Rajiv Mehrotra

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In The Mind of the Guru Rajiv Mehrotra presents dialogues with twenty contemporary sages and masters who have illumined the minds of millions around the world. Ranged here are gurus as diverse as B.K.S. Iyengar. who brought yoga from the world of the esoteric to our living rooms, and Mata Amritanandamayi, whose mere presence invokes an overwhelming awareness of love. There is Deepak Chopra discussing a quantum healing of mind and body. Sogyal Rinpoche encouraging us to look at death so that we might live a better life and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar reaffirming each person's right and access to happiness. And there is the unique and contrary voice of U.G. Krishnamurti telling us that all talk of transformation is poppycock. There are no grand narratives or final solutions, only guides who can show the way to the light within. Underlying the dialogues is their wisdom on how we make ourselves unhappy and guidance on how we can turn our lives around to achieve happiness.

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