When only love remains by durjoy datta

When only love remains by durjoy datta by

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The story of “When Only Love Remains” is not grand or other worldly, but rather simple and true, making the story a comforting and easy read. The main characters of the novel are Avanti, who is a flight attendant and Devvrat who is a rising music sensation. He has got his own massive following on social media, however he has fallen into the trap of success, by resorting to drugs, suffering from bouts of depression and living a life that is alone and sad. This, of course, his fans do not know. Avanti is one such fan. Finally, when Avanti and Devvrat do meet, they are pulled passionately towards each other. What follows is a ride of love and fate. One of the best aspects of the book is the easy language that it has been written in, making it a popular novel.

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