What Did You Ask At School Today: A Handbook Of Child Learning [RARE BOOKS]

What Did You Ask At School Today: A Handbook Of Child Learning [RARE BOOKS]

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Rs. 199.00
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This is a beautiful work, extremely well written, almost an encyclopaedia for those interested in children's education. ' - Dr Yash Pal, National Research Professor This insightful and well-researched book is for teachers and educators, as well as anyone interacting closely with children. Applying frontline research in child psychology, the author calls for a dramatic change in approach towards school teaching. The skill of being able to ask the 'right questions' is far more important than giving the right answers, says Mukunda, and urges teachers to adopt Used teaching practices and an open mind towards the learning process of a child. Using a step-by-step approach, and giving varied examples from school situations around the world, the book unravels interesting questions on learning, memory, intelligence, child development and emotional health. This is an enlightening read for parents, social workers, psychologists and counsellors.

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