Vimaan : Untold story of never the mentioned Rocketeers

Vimaan : Untold story of never the mentioned Rocketeers

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Be that any war, no matter who is Victorious, or who is defeated... Only the Kings or commanders are Known, The soldiers who fought by their side remain lost in the dark, And the hands of those who made the weapons are not even recognised. We all have heard of the one who made the revolver- Colt, and about his Guns. But Do you know the Indians who made Weapons? In India, Soldiers of Tipu Sultan Devised weapons like Rockets, Who locked their horns with the Britishers and knocked them out. Britishers too used the weapons made by Indians to defeat their enemies. Might be the Weapon Designers also have made other different Inventions. They too might have their dreams, their aspirations, they also might have fought for their Individual Identities. The flight of their longing, their urge, is Vimaan.

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