The Mammoth Book of More Dirty, Sick, X-Rated and Politically Incorrect Jokes [rare books] by Geoff Tibballs

The Mammoth Book of More Dirty, Sick, X-Rated and Politically Incorrect Jokes [rare books] by Geoff Tibballs

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Nearly 3,000 more uncensored, dirty, sick, X-rated and deeply politically incorrect jokes, covering just about every topic imaginable and some that you almost certainly haven't - from adultery to (sex in) zcos. A stupendous. all-new companion to the first bestselling volume.

Why do bulimics love KFC?

- Because it comes with a bucket.

How can you stop your husband from going out? Pour on some more fuel.

An incurable stutterer was jailed for twelve months for burglary, but police don't expect him to finish his sentence.

My uncle had his tongue shot off in Vietnam. He doesn't talk about it though.

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