The Illustrated Mum

The Illustrated Mum

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Rs. 399.00
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‘“It’s like you’re the mum” Marigold wept.

It was another game she sometimes liked to play. I decided it was my best chance of getting us home.’


Dolphin adores Marigold, her beautiful, vibrant mother.

She’s not like the other mums.

She has vivid tattoos all over her body, bright hair and wonderful clothes.

But Dolphin’s sister, Star, feels differently.

Marigold may look amazing, but living with her fiery, unpredictable moods can be hard.

As much as the girls love Marigold, is she the right person to be looking after them?


Jacqueline Wilson’s classic children’s story is an optimistic, heart breaking tale about family, mental health and strong sisterly love.

For fans of Tracy BeakerThe Bed and Breakfast Star and Double Act, this is a must have book for every young reader.

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