The Germans: A People at the Crossroads [Hardcover] [RARE BOOK]

The Germans: A People at the Crossroads [Hardcover] [RARE BOOK]

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Examines aspects of German society, including the Nazi legacy, the environmental movement, and the drive for reunification 

Praise for David Marsb's The Germans

"A supremely topical book.... The Germans should be made compulsory reading.... The hallmark of Mr. Marsh's examination is empathy not pre- judice... he has succeeded astonishingly well in understanding the German psyche

The Wall Street Journal

"Mr. Marsh (is) a reporter of prodigious energy and industry [he] has addressed virtually every question worth asking about the Federal Republic."

The Economist

"One of the liveliest and most entertaining of recent books on German society

The New York Review of Books

"A subtle, eloquent, revealing and very comprehensive book. It move Marsh has interviewed it. If not, he has beco to see it, and what is more, he has looked up a history, when wah illuminating results a very valuable book Financial Times

The quality of information, the freshness of the views els cand and the intelligenor of the ductions are unpretive As a record of Germany in the late 1980s the book is unlikely to be bettered

The Independen

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