New Insights on Writing Covered Call Options by Richard Lehman| Lawrence G. McMillan

New Insights on Writing Covered Call Options by Richard Lehman| Lawrence G. McMillan

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Writing covered call options is an investment strategy that bridges the gap between equity and fixed-income investments. It offers much of the upside potential of equities but with less volatility. Thus, you can achieve long-term returns commensurate with stock market returns but with lower volatility and less downside risk. The trick is to combine stocks with writing call options against a stock you already own. Professional investment managers have been using this strategy for years. Now, U.S. options experts Richard Lehman and Lawrence McMillan unlock for you the secrets of writing covered call options in this groundbreaking, easy-to-understand guide. The book comprehensively covers everything you need to know, from the mechanics of implementation to option strategies that are best suited to your investment goals, complete with caveats that investors must understand before writing covered call options. Covered call writing can be used by any stock owner and does not require huge minimums, margin accounts, or advanced theoretical analysis. New Insights on Writing Covered Call Options shows how to use this powerful and accessible investment technique giving you the edge to enhance your returns and lower your risk. Writing covered call options is right for you if You want the higher long-term return stocks offer but don’t like the volatility that comes with it You like the security of income from bonds and debt funds, but the yields are too low You wish there was a way that provides the attractive returns offered by shares but with less risk.

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