Mr Nice by Howard Marks

Mr Nice by Howard Marks

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This is the true story of Howard Marks. He was Britain's most wanted man. He spent seven years in America's toughest penitentiary. You'll like him.

During the mid 1980s Howard Marks had forty three aliases, eighty nine phone lines and owned twenty five companies throughout the world. Whether bars, recording studios or offshore banks, all were money laundering vehicles for his main concern: dope dealing.

At the height of his career he was smuggling up to thirty tons of marijuana and had contact with organisations as diverse as MI6, the CIA, the IRA and the Mafia. Following a worldwide operation by the Drugs Enforcement Agency, he was busted and sentenced to twenty-five years at a state penitentiary in Indiana. He was released in 1995 after serving seven years of his sentence. This is his story.

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