Marge and the Pirate Baby

Marge and the Pirate Baby

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Isla Fisher is hilarious' David Walliama. The second fun family story in the Marge series by actor and comedian Isla Fisher, illustrated with wit and warmth by Eglantine Ceulemans. Marge is back and exploring the neighbourhood with the kids! With some help from Jemima and Jake, can she stay in charge and keep 'pirate' baby Zara under control? And can the children make sure Marge behaves at Uncle Desmond and Annie's wedding? A Children’s Bookshelf Selection: Each month our editor’s pick the best books for children and young adults by age to be a part of the children’s bookshelf. These are editorial recommendations made by our team of experts. Our monthly reading list includes a mix of bestsellers and top New releases and evergreen books that will help enhance a child’s reading life.

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