Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach out Motivate and Inspire

Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach out Motivate and Inspire

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BRING THE TECHNIQUES OF THE STAGE TO THE BOARDROOM. For more than a decade, Belle Linda Halpern and Kathy Lubar have applied the lessons and expertise they have learned as performing artists to the work of their company, The Ariel Group. Halpern and Lubar have helped tens of thousands of executives at major companies around the country and the globe, including General Electric, Mobil Oil, Capital One, and Deloitte. In Leadership Presence, they make their time-tested strategies available to everyone, from high-profile CEOs to young professionals seeking promotion. Their practical, proven approach will enable you to develop the skills necessary to inspire confidence, command respect, build credibility, and motivate others. Halpern and Lubar teach you:   • How to handle tough situations with heightened confidence and flexibility    • How to build your relationships to enhance collaboration and business development    • How to express yourself dramatically and motivate others    • How to integrate your personal values into communication to inspire others and become a more effective leader Learning the skills of the true performance experts, readers will understand why Leadership Presence is the key to dynamic and authentic leadership.

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