Isvara Pratyabhijna Karika of Utpaladeva by'  Lise Vail and Bansi

Isvara Pratyabhijna Karika of Utpaladeva by' Lise Vail and Bansi by

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This book is considered one of the foremost works of the Pratybhijna Darsana, the philosoophy of Self Recognition, an important school of Kashmir Saivism. Written in the tenth century, it presents core arguments in support of a comprehensive monistic ontology as well as refutations of and disputations with Buddhist, Vedantic, and ritualistic traditions that were current at the time. It is a fundamental text of the non-dual Saivism of Kashmir and also a foundation for Saiva and Sakta Tantrism. Furthermore, it has appeal for the seeker: As he himself says, Utpaladeva composed this work so that all people could recognize and taste the ineffable joy of the supreme Lord. This translation and commentary by Dr. B. N. Pandit, a renowned scholar of Kashmir Saivism and Tantra, offers English readers an accessible and lucid presentation of this important work. The book's publisher, Muktabodha Indological Research Institute, is dedicated to the study, preservation, and dissemination of endangered elements of the ancient scriptual wisdom of India. This mission is propelled by a belief that the philosophical and spiritual heritage of classical India is a precious resource and a recognition of this wisdom as vital for the well-being of the human spirit. Please visit us as to learn more about our programs and publications.

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