Is new york burning? [rare books]

Is new york burning? [rare books]

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The clock is ticking towards an inflexible deadline. Three years after September 11, 2001, terrorists have hidden an atomic bomb in the heart of New York. If the President of the United States does not force his Israeli allies to abandon all the land they have occupied in the aftermath of the 1967 War, New York will be wiped off the face of the earth. Will he give in to this blackmail? Could a terrorist group have really gotten access to an atomic bomb and smuggled it into the United States? Can the forces of the most powerful nation on the planet find the hidden bomb and defuse it before it can explode? Could they, if necessary, evacuate New York? Two years of research; an impressive number of documents studied; scores of people interviewed in some of the most secret centers in the war on terrorism, across the United States, Israel, Europe and India. Is New York Burning? A diabolic thriller, a novel of extraordinary force, set in the heart of today's world and its madness. By the authors of Is Paris Burning?,... Or I'll Dress You in Mourning, O Jerusalem, Freedom at Midnight and The Fifth Horseman.

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