Cinasthana Today: VIewing China from India {Hardcover} (RARE BOOKS)

Cinasthana Today: VIewing China from India {Hardcover} (RARE BOOKS)

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At last, the yawning gap between the scholarly studies and the sparse factual information on China, is being bridged. This volume performs yeoman's service for the vast majority of Indians, thirsting for an informed account of China; its history, politics, economy, society and culture. Sprinkled with human interest stories, this book will go a long way in helping the general Indian reader develop a sensible understanding about our most important neighbour.--- Dr. Alka Accharya,Director, Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi

This is the first time that I am awakened to the fact that ancient records reveal that the name of China was Cinasthana. I am fascinated by the title. Commerce and Technology should forge ahead and the joining gum would definitely be culture. Skillfully and meticulously the author has recollected and reconciled the forgotten historical facts with the single minded approach towards bringing the two countries closer.--- Late Dr. Abid Hussain, Renowned Diplomat, Former Indian Ambassador to the USA

Cinasthana Today is truly an admirable work. It handles a complex subject in a sensitive manner.--- Mrs. Nirupama Rao, Indian Ambassador to the USA, Former Indian Ambassador to China

Cinasthana Today is well researched. It contains valuable insights into India's relations with China since time immemorial. Indeed the book provides a snapshot of the diverse nature of India-China relations.--- Shri S. M. Krishna, Former Minister of External Affairs, Government of India

Over the years, China has become a hot topic of discussion in India. While it has been perceived in varied light on numerous occasions, China has been largely misconstrued by the Indian masses. The clouds of suspicion harboured due to the brief 1962 conflict still do linger. Even though there has been no confrontation for the last 60 years, 1962 still blurs India's vision of China, making Indians wary and distrustful of the Chinese.

Cinasthana Today presents China, dating back from the regime of Chandragupta, when it was known as 'Cina-sthana', to its current status as an economic power. It covers China without bias and withoutfear, by focussing on the people of China and their life today, tracing back to its ancient historic moments and progressing towards its current scenario, with constant referencing of contemporary India.

Cinasthana Today is backed by the author's keen observation and long association with China since 1983. In 1988, as the Technological Advisor to the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, he briefed him about China's fast export-led growth via the Special Economic Zones in Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou. For more than a decade now, the author has been the President of the India-China Economic & Cultural Council (ICECC), New Delhi. This book aims at benefitting both India and China by positively influencing public opinion. The author projects the cultural, economic and social similarities of these two ancient civilizations which share very similar community bonds. Foreign dominance for a thousand years, the language barrier and Himalayas have kept the two nations apart, but 'Cinasthana Today' will hopefully overcome these hurdles for a New, mutually progressivetomorrow.

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