The Great Railway Bazaar by Theroux Paul

The Great Railway Bazaar by Theroux Paul

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This title narrates Theroux's journey, travelling through the Middle East, Europe, the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, before returning through the Trans-Siberian Railway. Referred to as a classic title in the genre of travel writing, the book contains depictions of evocative, legendary train routes including the Khyber Pass Local, the Direct-Orient Express, the Golden Arrow to Kuala Lumpur, the Delhi Mail from Jaipur, the Hikari Super Express to Tokyo and the Trans-Siberian Express. The author vividly describes the diverse cultures, places, sights and sounds, and the interesting people he met throughout the journey. The Great Railway Bazaar is an entertaining travelogue that pays an affectionate tribute to the romantic idea of train travel and all the experiences associated with it.

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