India by Sarina Singh |Joe Bindloss|Paul Clammer|Janine Eberle| Paul Harding| Abigail Hole|Patrick Horton|Amy Karafin|Matt Phillips| Simon Richmond|Martin Robinson [rare books]

India by Sarina Singh |Joe Bindloss|Paul Clammer|Janine Eberle| Paul Harding| Abigail Hole|Patrick Horton|Amy Karafin|Matt Phillips| Simon Richmond|Martin Robinson [rare books]

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The longest running and best selling guide to India Indian lead author Sarina Singh, eight years with Lonely Planet, has a greater insight into Indian society, culture and languages than any guidebook author detailed itinerary maps guide you around the main sights and highlights of the North, the South, and off the beaten track much more to draw the reader in and excite them about their trip: an all-new eight-page colour Highlights section, Getting Started section, and itineraries with maps improved, state-by-state coverage of festivals and activities like trekking, rafting, yoga courses and Ayurvedic massage there are over 32,000 Hindu gods and goddesses (and more created every day) India boasts 18 official languages, 200 recognized languages and countless dialects India's population increases each year by more than the entire population of Australia.

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