Chanakya in the classroom by, Radhakrishnan Pillai

Chanakya in the classroom by, Radhakrishnan Pillai

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Chanakya In the Classroom

Good Morning, Chanakya Sir!How we wish that this was true—that we could get the sharpest of minds to teach us how to deal with the myriad challenges life throws us!What are some of the principles and suggestions given by the most revered teacher and observer of human nature that work best for students? Best-selling author of the Chanakya Series, Radhakrishnan Pillai, culls out some of these nuggets from the master and presents them in a lucid, easy to understand manner, making Chanakya’s teachings accessible to everyone.Systematically addressing the most common issues faced by students, this book will help in: ConcentrationPurposeLearningDisciplineAwarenessDevotionDutyResponsibilities.

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