Parenting in the Age of Anxiety

Parenting in the Age of Anxiety

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Parenting in the Age of Anxiety: Raising the Careworn GenerationParenting in the Age of Anxiety acknowledges that today’s generation is tormented by a number of issues exam stress, bullying, peer pressure, sexual uncertainty that can snowball into full-blown psychological conditions, from borderline personality disorders to anxiety and learning impairments. Added to this are specific early, emotionally fraught life experiences that demand coping skills, such as bereavement and adoption. How should one help a child deal with a bullying in school? What should you do when your son is burdened with exam stress? How is a parent to deal with a depressed teen? Equally, is anxiety a two-way street, passed on from caregiver to child and vice versa? Drawing from case studies, diary entries, letters and conversations, Parenting in the Age of Anxiety sensitively approaches each of the issues that distress growing children and offers valuable lifelines. This book reminds all guardians and nurturers to grant themselves the right to make mistakes and give their children the freedom to err and recover.Parenting in the Age of Sexposure: Raising the Precocious GenerationParenting in the Age of Sexposure approaches the thorny issue of sex and sexuality in the lives of children, at a time when the media and the Internet bombard kids with countless sexualizing, explicit messages ‘Thin is good’; ‘Having sex is “in”; ‘Sex has nothing to do with commitment’. How do parents bring up children when the media overwhelmingly portrays girls and women as sexual objects, encourages boys to form superficial relationships and reinforces gender biases? How do they secure their kids’ emotional wellbeing, while admitting that sexuality is an integral part of the human experience? Equally, how do they deal with the ugly realities of sexual violence and abuse and safeguard their children’s interests? Parenting in the Age of Sexposure attempts to address these questions and offer ideas for conscious parenting.Parenting in the Age of FacebookParenting in the Age of Facebook acknowledges the all-pervasive influence of the World Wide Web on the lives of children, and the quandaries parents find themselves in as a result. How much ‘net-time’ is enough? Are children safe on social media pages? What are the online dangers kids could encounter and how do parents counter these threats? By encouraging practical, proactive strategies—those that model the mindful use of technology, help nurture connections, and support children through healthy Internet-browsing techniques—this book encourages positive parenting in the age of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.Parenting in the Age of Mcdonald'sParenting in the Age of McDonald’s admits that parents have never been busier, children have never had so much food to choose from—deep-fried chips, giant burgers and imported chocolates—and obesity has never given more cause for concern! This practical and comprehensive handbook helps parents deal with every kind of child across the diet spectrum—the overweight one, the picker eater, the underweight student, the young athlete, the stressed pre-teen, and the opinionated pre-schooler. Drawing from real-life experiences, and chock-full of practical tips. Parenting in the Age of McDonald’s will help parents strengthen the nutritional foundation of their children.

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