You can manage your child's behavior problems without shouting or spanking. This amazing book has taught more than 800, 000 parents to more effectively manage the most common preschool behaviour problems (from aggressive behaviour to br>Whining) in a loving yet firm way. This updated and expanded edition contains additional information about mindful parenting, teaching empathy and inclusiveness, reducing stress in your child's environment, increasing your child's frustration tolerance and ability to delay gratification, and dealing with generational conflicts. The easy-to-use text has been formatted like a first-aid manual for handling Misbehaviour. Each section includes: a description of the "symptoms" The causes, and a general approach to corrective action. Preventive steps to avoid the problem. Practical solutions to the Misbehaviour. Important information about what to do. A real life situation that shows how parents like you successfully handled the problem, using advice from this book.