Arrival of a baby is a very enjoyable experience for the parents and yet, at the same time, if they do not have adequate knowledge of baby care, this experience can turn into a nightmare. New mothers have a thousand queries on their minds but unfortunately, few qualified answers. Majority of modern first time mothers feel “abandoned “ and helpless when faced with the task of caring for their Newborn baby .They need a readymade set of scientific guidelines,an expert book,which tells them how to take care of their baby and what to do in different situations. There are not many books available in the Indian market which serve this purpose adequately. Most of the books in the market are by western authors and food and cultural preferences of Indian mothers are not taken into account. Most of these books combine child care along with baby care which makes the books lengthy and never ending.
Dr Mukul Tiwari 'A to Z baby care' is a focused book, only on baby care, so it is not thick and is quite readable. There is a lot of information on internet but all of what you find is not reliable. Some of the information handed down to you by acquaintances and elder ladies of the family may not be scientifically correct. In this book, Dr Mukul Tiwari has tried to solve most of your doubts and queries on this subject with scientific and evidence based answers .Clear, step by step instructions, according to baby’s month by month , beginning from preparations for baby’s arrival, guide you through every step of baby care.