Lionel messi and the art of living

Lionel messi and the art of living

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Lionel messy and the art of living is a bold, insightful and unique examination of a world famous sporting hero from an entirely new perspective, providing a context extending far beyond the football field. Although the details of messi’s story are already well known, this book studies afresh and anew his glorious triumphs and his desperate failures, his ongoing evolution and his endless struggle to succeed. It encourages us to analyze and think about his career from a different viewpoint, revealing how his journey can be related to our own lives on a meaningful and impactful level. Containing extensive and illuminating exclusive interviews with deep thinkers and high Achievers from a number of fields, this book delivers a vibrant and inspiring approach to a global icon. You will never look at Lionel messi—or lifetime the same way again.

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