Stay hungry stay foolish [mrathi edition]

Stay hungry stay foolish [mrathi edition]

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Graduation day is a pivotal moment. After a lifetime of learning, and at least three years of studying hard in a chosen subject, we are thrown headfirst into the unknown world of adulthood. That day – and the months afterwards – are ripe with possibility. They can feel by turns thrilling and rudderless, dreamy and terrifying. It’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and look at what’s to come.

In this collection of carefully curated speeches, hear from leading voices such as Barack Obama, Gloria Steinem and Tim Minchin, and discover their profound advice for the graduating classes of Harvard, Stanford and many more top-class universities, who have gone on to shape the world we live in.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect graduation gift, a memento of this significant life moment, or are simply seeking guiding inspiration, the lessons in Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish will last a lifetime.

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