Answering The Ultimate Question: How Net Promoter Can Transform Your Business [Hardcover] (RARE BOOKS)

Answering The Ultimate Question: How Net Promoter Can Transform Your Business [Hardcover] (RARE BOOKS)

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With several businesses vying for a customer’s attention, it is imperative for an organisation to ensure loyalty amongst its consumers in order to maintain steady rise in profits. The Net Promoter Score is a method that has been developed to help determine customer loyalty. Answering The Ultimate Question: How Net Promoter Can Transform Your Business explains to readers how this method can be adapted in their own businesses.

This book offers practical advice on how to build the right customer loyalty program for one’s company. It states that the relationship between the customer and a company is what drives sales and profit. The book was inspired by a simple question regarding how many customers would actually recommend a certain brand or company to a friend. The book provides actual case studies from over eighty firms to facilitate understanding of how the Net Promoter Score works. It also teaches readers how to use this method to track changes in customer loyalty. This system can work in tandem with operations that are already in place in a company and helps increase promoters and decrease detractors. Tips on avoiding downfalls are also explained in the book.

Answering The Ultimate Question: How Net Promoter Can Transform Your Business explains to readers how the Net Promoter Score is a faster and more accurate way of gauging customer satisfaction and loyalty as opposed to regular surveys. The book also describes the role that employees of a company play in enhancing a customer’s experience. It has important chapters such as The Net Promoter Operating Model, The Closed-Loop Process, Determining the Right Time to Measure, The Customer Corridor and Its Touch Points and more. The hardcover version of this book was published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons.

Key Features:


  • The book features a tried-and-tested method to help companies understand their customer’s needs and increase loyalty.
  • It explains the correlation between customer satisfaction and improved profitability.

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