The Road to Tahrir Square by Lloyd C. Gardner [rare books]

The Road to Tahrir Square by Lloyd C. Gardner [rare books]

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When protesters in Egypt began to fill Cairo's Tahrir Square on January 25, 2011 - and refused to leave until their demand that Hosni Mubarak step down was met - the politics of the region changed overnight. And the United States' long friendship with the man who had ruled under emergency law for thirty years came starkly into question. The Road to Tahrir Square is the first book to connect past and present - from Franklin D. Roosevelt's brief meeting with King Farouk near the end of World War II to Barack Obama's 2009 speech in Cairo, and the recent fall of Mubarak - offering readers an understanding of the events and forces determining American policy in this vitally important region. Making full use of the available records - including the controversial WikiLeaks archive - renowned historian Lloyd C. Gardner shows how the United States has sought to influence Egypt through economic aid, massive military assistance, and CIA manipulations, efforts that have immediate implications for how the current crisis will alter the balance of power in the Middle East.

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