Safalta ke siddhant [hindi edition]

Safalta ke siddhant [hindi edition]

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W. Clement Stone was one of the most successful entrepreneurs in America. And like so many people who achieve great success, he did it the hard way. He start his career selling newspapers in Chicago. Using the secrets he’d learned as a newsboy, Stone got his business off the ground. Then he learned other secrets that helped him expand his business. He learned even more secrets when he acquired other insurance agencies. And he kept on learning more and better secrets, until he had built his hundred-dollar company into the multibillion-dollar Aon Corporation. In The Success System That Never Fails, Stone took all of the secrets and lessons he had learned throughout his amazing career, broke them down, analyzed them, and from the results developed his theory that success can be reduced to a formula—a formula that you can learn and apply too. Wealth, health, prestige, happiness, love—all of these riches and more can be yours by learning and applying W. Clement Stone’s revolutionary system that, when properly learned and faithfully applied, will never fail to bring you success.

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