Health in your hands [rare books] by Devendra Vora

Health in your hands [rare books] by Devendra Vora

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The science of acupressure has the potential to cure many diseases, especially the minor ailments like common cold and cough. It is also known to be effective for deadly diseases like HIV and cancer. Health in Your Hands: V.1 is a guide that helps one to become their own doctor and cure ailments by practicing acupressure in their day-to-day lives.

The contents of this book include an introduction to our body and the brain along with explanation of the science of acupressure. This is covered in the first three sections of the book out of the total eighteen. The author goes on to explain the role of endocrine glands, the main causes of diseases and the ways in which they can be eradicated. The sixth part covers cure through natural means and the next three part cover chemotherapy, urine therapy and biochemic therapy.

Childcare and men and women's problems are probed in the 10th, 11th and the 12th sections respectively. This book also guides the users on the techniques which can help them maintain youthfulness and prevent old age. It also contains chapters which deal with the treatment of common and serious diseases. Health In Your Hands: V.1 reaches its end by providing instructions to practitioners and tips to keep diseases away by devoting ten minutes daily to oneself and conclusion

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