Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight by Rujuta Diwekar

Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight by Rujuta Diwekar

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'Don?t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight? is considered as a path-breaking book by many as it which has helped them to lose weight without giving up on food or without leading them to periods of crash diet and bad health.

A celebrity fitness expert to whom many Bollywood actors and actresses owe their great shape and health, Rujuta Diwekar speaks to the readers in clear and simple words how a person can eat anything s/he feels like and yet remain healthy, maintaining a Used shape. As a leading nutritionist, Diwekar is against the idea of any crash diet that looms over carb-starvation, needless food cravings and other similar things which ultimately lead to a food deprived body.

The book guides the readers through certain simple steps to an ideal way of dieting or maintaining a healthy and proper diet. It helps the user understand their own respective bodies and likewise helps them plan their own diet according to the bodies requirements.

Since she is the celebrity dietician behind many leading Bollywood actors, Ms Diwekar often cites the case of Kareena Kapoor about how she was able to attain the size zero for the successful film Tashan. Her book shows how one can indulge in their favourite foods yet manage to shed calories at the same time. Referred to as a marvellous and helpful read, this book was published in 2009 by RHI publishers and is available in paperback.

About the author:

The author of 'Don?t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight?, Rujuta Diwekar is a celebrity fitness expert who won instant success with her book and was bestowed with the Nutrition Award by the Asian Institute of Gastroenterology in 2010. She has also received accreditation from Sports Dietician, a fitness organisation based out of Australia.

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