Linda goodman relationship signs

Linda goodman relationship signs

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Ever wondered where exactly a particular relationship went wrong, especially if the people were exactly like each other? Or, why does it feel like you can suddenly talk your heart out to someone you have just met? Linda Goodman’s Relationship Signs attempts to answer such questions, supported by personalised astrological charts that are based on your date and time of birth.

Relationship Signs comes packed with detailed and extensive analytical study-charts of the compatibility between various sun-signs. Each analysis is based on birth-charts and is thus individualised. Goodman also includes considerable information as to why a person would behave and react in a certain way. This, according to the author, can be understood by focussing on the interplay of the planetary revolutions and their interpretation and effect.

Relationship Signs, by Linda Goodman, was first published by Pan Macmillan in 1999. It is available in paperback.

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