The Future We Choose

The Future We Choose

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One of the most inspiring books I have ever read' Yuval Harari, bestselling author of sapiens 'timely and important' Jane good all PhD, DBE, founder of the Jane good all Institute and un Messenger of peace we can and will survive the climate crisis. This book shows us how. The future we choose is a passionate call to arms by two of the leading un figures behind the Paris agreement of 2015. Christiana figueres was the executive Secretary for climate change, and Tom rivett-carnac was the senior political strategist. We have two choices for our future, which is still unwritten. This book shows us what the world will look like in 2050 If we do nothing, and what it will look and feel like it if we Act now. Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation. The coming decade is the most important that we have ever faced. If we Act responsibly, we can move beyond the crisis into a thriving future.

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