How To Scare The Pants Off Your Pets

How To Scare The Pants Off Your Pets

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Rs. 150.00
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Rs. 150.00
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Billy Broccoli is on a mission. If he can help the Hoove - his very own personal ghost - learn to be responsible, Billy may finally get his room to himself! And Billy has come up with the perfect plan. He's going to get the Hoove a pet - one the Hoove won't be able to resist caring for. But the Hoove is not exactly an animal enthusiast. He thinks dogs are dull and hamsters are cheesy. And all because he has his heart set on a goat that would destroy everything. With all of these pets on parade, Billy's room has become a zoo. He's got to turn Hoover into a mother hen soon if he ever wants to get some peace and quiet.

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