Marketing management  [bookskilowise] 0.995g x rs 400/-kg by jagdish n. sheth

Marketing management [bookskilowise] 0.995g x rs 400/-kg by jagdish n. sheth by

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This edition has been updated keeping in view the tremendous disruptions in the business models due to the ongoing globalization, the increasing role of corporate social responsibility; technological advancement, growth in e-commerce, increasing digital communication, the growing impact of social media, and the widespread use of data analytics, marketing automation, and artificial intelligence. These created opportunities as well as challenges for businesses. Co-authored by noted academicians, Professor Kevin Lane Keller, Professor Alexander Chernev, Professor Jagdish N. Sheth and Professor G. Shainesh, the book continues to draw on the rich findings of various scientific disciplines—such as economics, behavioral science, and management theory—for fundamental concepts and tools that are directly applicable to marketing challenges and opportunities. Enriched with Indian cases studies, the text is comprehensive, lucid, and engaging at the same time, with the latest examples that illustrate effective marketing principles, strategies, and practices. The points of discussion and the discourse on the topics are useful not just for the students of marketing but also for practicing managers to design and execute successful marketing strategies.

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