101 All Time Great Stories

101 All Time Great Stories

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101 All Time Great Stories With Life-changing Philosophies’ is a book of fascinating short stories that has flown forth the pen of Deep Trivedi, a pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics, and author of bestsellers, ‘I am The Mind’ and ‘I am Krishna’.

Taking a leaf out of his vast experience as a writer, Deep Trivedi has used the medium of short stories as they are the easiest way to espouse an ideology or philosophy. Written in a lucid, simple style, the stories are narrated in a manner that the reader, himself will be transported into the world of great men, artists, philosophers. Spanning a vast territory of topics, the tales are crafted in a manner that they will create psychological awareness in life. Latent emotions of anger, greed, love, inferiority complex are woven into the intricate fabric of the stories and readers will find themselves inspired by interesting stories from the lives of Vincent Van Gogh, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Helen Keller and other great people—who had through their work radicalised not only their own lives, but also the lives and thoughts of the human race. The profound wisdom of great philosophers like Buddha, Socrates, Ramanand Paramhansa, King Janaka, Sufi Saint Rabia, the captivating antics of the eccentric Mullah Nasruddin, Christ’s message to the earthlings, Ghalib’s passion, Walt Disney’s dreams, Vincent Van Gogh’s art and much more will urge us to relook at our concepts and philosophies of life. This story book is a must-read for people of all age groups. They will greatly benefit from these stories, thereby transforming their thinking and way of living and instilling hope and confidence that it is possible to lead a happy and stress-free life. The pithy morals at the end of each story, shall help re-strengthen faith in yourself and help you to look at the world in a different light.

This book is available in English, Hindi and Gujarati.

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