Dare to Dream. That is the Crux of the book. 1000 KMs to leadership is a book of Life. The crests & the Troughs. It is a story about winning against all odds. Redefining the concept of loss and victory. Nobody is born perfect and nobody is without fear. How to face those fears, learn from your mistakes, never give up and stride forth is what this book is about. It is a beautifully portrayed story of a man's journey to making his dreams come true and not let anything get in the way. Not giving up is the key. And yet the book is about each one of us. With our fears and doubts and our weaknesses. The protagonist is not a superhuman, merely a regular person trying to aspire higher in life. As you traverse the journey of 90 Kms over the mountains of South Africa you get to feel first-hand the transformational journey of grit and perseverance. It is a book about life painted on the Canvas of Ultra Running.