The saint, the surfer and the ceo by Robin Sharma

The saint, the surfer and the ceo by Robin Sharma

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Within the pages of this extraordinary book, readers will discover a practical yet powerful process to recreate their lives and reconnect with their best selves. Once in a while, a book comes along that has the power and the wisdom to speak to the best part of us and awaken our highest selves to the miracle our lives were meant to be. In this truly unforgettable guide, Robin Sharma, author of the national bestseller "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari "and a man whose life lessons are currently transforming the lives of many thousands of people across the planet, will show you how to access your inner gifts and reshape your whole outer life in the process. With brilliant simplicity and remarkable insight, "The Saint, the Surfer and the CEO" will teach you: - How to stop betraying your self and live your destiny - Simple ways to feel a Used amount of fulfillment and joy in your days - How to reconnect to your inner child like heart for a more passion-filled life - Lessons to conquer stress, balance life, and feel Used about yourself - A proven process that will revolutionize your relationships and fill your life with love - How to restore adventure, simplicity, and prosperity into your life - Powerful principles to become strikingly successful at work - Practical wisdom to help see a gorgeous vision for your future and then make it a reality

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