Reasons Why You Should Compose Short Stories

Reasons Why You Should Compose Short Stories

How often do you think you'd want to publish a book? It's a worthy aim that one should strive towards someday! Nevertheless, when individuals work on these enormous projects for months and years constantly, they often lose sight of the benefits of writing short tales. 

A short novel is often between 5,000- 10,000 words long, whereas a short tale requires no more than 500 words to complete. Short tales are simpler to read than novels which mostly have a minimum word reading of 10,000 or novelettes of 7,000 words! 

Writing short stories compels people to write more precisely

Consider how Twitter works. The amount of characters you may use while publishing on Twitter is limited. Similarly, writing short stories helps you choose only the most important topics and sequences to avoid confusing the reader. 

Enhance your writing skills 

Making a short story allows you to develop your ideas and determine what is relevant or not. It's an excellent way to strengthen focus, abilities, and patience for writing a novel. 

You can buy used books online, especially short tales and novels, to understand the concept of writing them in a better way. Even if your short tale does not become a novel or series, the practice of writing concisely might be challenging. The more obstacles you set for yourself, the better your writing will become.

You can take more risks! 

With short tales, you don't have to stretch those stories into a longer piece simply to get them to work. Based on your inspiration, you may compose a whole short narrative. Short tales, unlike novels, have much lower stakes. 

A short tale does not require as much time, effort, or analysis from a writer as a novel does. You also don't have to go into detail about the planet or universe you selected as the setting for your story.


If you are an amateur writer, you must first make sure that you are a reader too. Reading helps to enhance your written skills, as it lays a solid foundation in story construction and plot development. You can add the best selling author used books online to your book collection from As an amateur, you need not spend a lot of money on new books, there are tons of second hand books online available at cheap prices.

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