The company she keeps [RARE BOOKS]

The company she keeps [RARE BOOKS]

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The Company She Keeps was the first novel by the author of The Group.

After a Reno divorce Margaret Sargent, an attractive and intelligent girl, finds herself floundering in a world of casual affairs and squalid intimacies. She is in full revolt against society. But her new Bohemian life of bit-piece jobs, lofty ideals, and sordid escapades-bids to expunge the imprint of a narrow childhood-never achieves her own approval. The agony of repeated rejection and despair finally forces a strict reckoning on this lost, likeable figure.

"I find Miss McCarthy the most readable living writer'- Francis Wyndham in the Spectator

'Probably the most notable wit-novelist of our generation'- G. S. Fraser in the New Statesman

Cover by Alan Aldridge

For copyright reasons this edition is not for sale in the U.S.A. or Canada

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